Liquidate Man Once and For All (2005)



Philosophers are familiar with reason but are only beginning to discover intelligence. Presaged by the dark illumination of the Enlightenment, intelligence culminates with the delirium of the sufficiency of reason. The intelligence of science and the science of intelligence have together averred that neither the real nor thought are rational. Science glimpses the real as an indecipherable noumenon at the margins of the intelligible, conveying an incompressible amount of information as encrypted by the random numbers of Chaitin. Irreducible, the real to which science points undoes all reasonable control. Rumbling within the quantum interlacings of matter, gargling by the edge of computing, emerging at the limits of calculation, it remains, as the Omegas of Chaitin, without reason. The intelligence of the real adopts reason solely as a provisional skin.

There are two vectors of research which unearth intelligence: cognitivism, the approach from below and; hyperspeculation, which exhumes from on…

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